Singing Guide: Robbie Williams

Singing Guide: Robbie Williams

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn to sing like Robbie Williams, focus on emulating his flair for showmanship and his unique blend of pop, rock, and soul. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get started.

  1. Analyze Your Voice: Before you start singing, it's essential to identify your voice type so that you can tailor your training appropriately. Singing Carrots' voice type analysis test can help you figure this out.
  2. Exercises and Tips: Robbie Williams's voice incorporates a wide range of vocal styles. To achieve his sound, complete exercises such as the "Heavy Modal," "Twang," and "Belting" techniques highlighted in Singing Carrots' contemporary vocal techniques article. Explore ways to add vibrato, sustain notes, and use diaphragm breathing as highlighted in the same article.

  3. Get the Right Song: Robbie Williams's music covers a broad range of genres, and he is well-known for hits such as "Angels" and "Feel." Choose a selection of Robbie Williams's songs that are suitable for your voice and skill level and consider taking advantage of Singing Carrots' song search feature to identify tracks that fit your vocal range.

  4. Incorporate Unique Vocal Techniques: Robbie Williams's signature vocal style includes a mix of chest voice, head voice, and falsetto. Learn about voice registers, mixed voice, and the voice break in the Vocal Registers & Vocal Break article on the Singing Carrots website. Additionally, pay attention to Robbie Williams's use of vibrato, resonance, and articulation in songs like "She's The One" and "Rock DJ."

  5. Resources: Use Singing Carrots' educational singing course, which covers essential elements like breathing, tone, range, pitch, and phrasing. Singing Carrots' pitch training tool can help you to improve your pitch accuracy.

  6. Rehearsal and Performance: Finally, practice your songs and techniques regularly—remember to focus on incorporating the unique vocal techniques discussed in the articles and exercises mentioned above. For tips on rehearsing, overcoming stage fright, and performing on stage, consult Singing Carrots' articles on these topics.

By following these steps and taking advantage of Singing Carrots' range of tools and resources, you can learn to sing like Robbie Williams while developing your unique style and achieving your vocal goals.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.